
Inspire, Rebuild, Empower

Let's change the world together

Individuals and communities feel empowered and take pride in their achievements when they are contributory to any support they receive from outside sources. This philosophy guides our intervention efforts when providing assistance to needy individuals and groups. We simply provide an enabling, collaborative environment to inspire others to take ownership of their own destiny in order to prosper.

Programmes for the Year 2018

  • Create awareness on aging issues/ prevailing ailments through advocacy
  • Award scholarships to Secondary school students
  • Purchase WAEC and JAMB forms for 130 scholars and award scholarships to 5 Secondary school students yearly
  • Award scholarships to 5 undergraduate students
  • Organize annual seminar to enlighten prospective entrepreneurs on how to translate their passion into profitable businesses with limited capital through partnerships


Collaboration and Mutuality

Let's change the world together

Community: A vibrant community is a reflection of the well-being of individuals and groups living in that community. s-Pace will work actively with individuals, community leaders and other interest groups to identify, seek funding for, and support programs that rebuild, cultivate healthy communities and thereby foster a sense of belonging and pride among inhabitants.


Past and Present Programmes and Events

Let's change the world together

Community: A vibrant community is a reflection of the well-being of individuals and groups living in that community. s-Pace will work actively with individuals, community leaders and other interest groups to identify, seek funding for, and support programs that rebuild, cultivate healthy communities and thereby foster a sense of belonging and pride among inhabitants.

Programmes for the Year 2018

  • Create awareness on aging issues/ prevailing ailments through advocacy
  • Award scholarships to Secondary school students
  • Purchase WAEC and JAMB forms for 130 scholars and award scholarships to 5 Secondary school students yearly
  • Award scholarships to 5 undergraduate students
  • Organize annual seminar to enlighten prospective entrepreneurs on how to translate their passion into profitable businesses with limited capital through partnerships


Dr. Tunde Owoola, President
Doctorate Degree in Geography/GIS,

Ayo Salam, Secretary General
Masters of Bus. Administration (MBA)


GO GREEN! and save the world

For a healthy world

We all have a stake in responsibly managing and utilizing the resources of this planet that we call home in a sustainable way. Our focus in this regard is to create programs, disseminate information, and deliver training on practices that promote and improve people's knowledge on effective use of environmental resources. Our goal is to make sure that future generations can continue to benefit and enjoy the beauty and bounty of the earth in areas such as sustainable agriculture, water resources management, clean energy resources, forestry and so on.

Let's band together and Go Green!

Please consider making a donation:

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Contact Information

Address: 2nd Floor, Balyelsa House. Plot 1038, Shehu Shagari Way, Opp. Federal Ministry of Justice Maitama Abuja, Nigeria.
Tel: +234 803-843-7312; +234 705-679-6211, +1 901-319-4995

You can also send us email, using the feedback/signup form.