Lets change the world together

Food for Kids (2FK program) Goal: 

Provide daily nutritious meals for at-risk Grade 1 students from indigent homes, and help them succeed academically.  Background:
Studies have shown that nutrition affects students’ thinking skills, behavior, and health, factors that ultimately impact academic performance. School-aged children are particularly at-risk as nutritional deficiencies early in life can affect their cognitive development.  In most developed countries, many children from low-income households are eligible for free school meals; in some localities, all pupils are actually provided with free meals. No such programs exist in Nigeria that we are aware of, creating a need to better understand how nutrition affects the cognitive development of children, and the development of intervention programs that will be most effective to bridge the gap and help children succeed in life. 


  1. Identify and partner with (2) elementary schools interested in our intervention program
  2. Develop baseline metrics that will be used to measure the effectiveness of the program
  3. Partner schools to identify 1 pupil in each Grade 1 class up to a maximum of 20 pupils exhibiting academic promise but showing behavioral tendencies indicating poor nutrition
  4. Provide free meals (breakfast and lunch) to identified subjects for a full academic year, and continuously monitor their progress against baseline metrics. Re-enrolment of group included in study beyond Grade 1 will be subject to how well the metrics are met
  5. Analyze data from the intervention effort, and develop policy recommendations based on outcomes for sharing with private and public agencies interested in children nutrition as one basis of human capital development.


  1. This intervention program will be funded 100% by s-PACE at initial start-up
  2. s-PACE will partner with selected schools to evolve effective methods for administering the program for maximum impact
  3. Subject to funding availability, and measurable impacts, s-PACE will continue to identify and partner with more schools to continuously refine, and implement similar programs

Success Factors:

    • Post intervention metrics improve by 80% or higher
    • Policy recommendations adopted and implemented by at least one other NGO or a public agency .